Seventy years after a writer dies, his/her work falls into the public domain where it can be
freely distributed. That’s why you can download 1000s of books for free on your Kindle.
In an effort to package and preserve these classic literary works for a whole new generation.
Creative Action Network, DailyLit and Harvard Bookstore have created Recovering the Classics,
an opportunity for designers and illustrators to create contemporary takes on 50 classic literary
masterpieces. Once they reach 50 designs, they’ll move on to the next 50 lit classics and so on.
“By repackaging them for new technologies and new generations, we hope more people will fall
in love with these books like we have” states Creative Action Network’s Max Slavkin.
Here’s a small sampling of some of the amazing designs currently available.
Frankenstein. Illustration by Roberlan Borges.
Type Smoke. Illustration by Ioannis Fetanis.
The Time Machine. Illustration by Brixton.
The Brothers Karamazov. Illustration by Roberlan Borges.
BUGFLESH. Illustration by Mario Fuentes.
DEATHMORPHOSIS. Illustration by Mario Fuentes.
Heart of Darkness. Illustration by mafMOVE.
To see all covers currently available and purchase any of these books, click here.